Episode 5 features Tucker Booth, an award-winning battle rapper and entertainer.
Tucker is also the host of the Rappers Don’t Golf podcast.
A man of many talents, Tucker offers some great insights into how a creative person can make a living doing what they love. He brings a unique perspective to the table and we covered a broad range of topics.
Topics covered in this episode:
- Tucker’s first experiences with golf (as a 29 year old)
- The appeal of TopGolf
- The reasons why Tucker plays short courses
- Why Tucker is such a creative guy
- A glimpse into the world of a battle rapper
- Find success as an artist and getting PAID for it
- Carving out a niche for yourself on Thumbtack (and in general)
- Pushing through a lack of creativity
- Mental toughness
- Dirty Honey (rock band) and Bob Dylan
We ended with a lengthy but fun lightning round of 10 questions. The first 5 focused on Tucker’s NFL team, the Los Angeles Rams.
Tucker gives some St. Louis food recommendations that include Imo’s Pizza and toasted ravioli. Listen in and plan a TBD-sanctioned trip to St. Louis.
Connect with Tucker
Listen to our other podcast episodes.