Episode 15 features Ronan Galvin, co-founder of Sunday Golf.
Sunday Golf specializes in lightweight golf bags and other gear for the casual golfer. In this episode, we dive into the world of product development. Ronan offers some great insights for anyone looking to turn a product idea into a reality.
Topics covered in this episode:
- How Sunday Golf came to be
- The first steps for turning an idea into a reality
- Developing a prototype
- Moving into production
- Lessons learned from living in China
- Misconceptions about China
- How to choose a partner for production
- Horror stories
- Sunday Golf’s first order
- Finding customers
- Dealing with competitors
- The Loma Bag
We wrap everything up with a 10 question lightning round. You’ll have to listen in to hear about some of Ronan’s memorable experiences with Chinese cuisine.
Random References from this Podcast
- Guangzhou, China
- grooveit brush
Connect with Sunday Golf
- Visit SundayGolf.com and get 10% off your order using the code PAR3 (#affiliate)
This episode was sponsored by Chasing Aces. Listen to our other podcast episodes.